Saturday, June 6, 2009

Put It On Repeat

Greg nabs the first move on Poison Prow(V.2).

Another full day at the crag. It will be nice to have some down time before getting back there. Tomorrow marks my last day of house/dog sitting here in Seattle and I will miss being so close to Little si. This morning I met Greg at the usual time in the parking lot. REI had a tent set up and was handing out free snacks. We bypassed the snacks and with rain looming made it to World Wall. The air was really cool and even though I obliterated myself yesterday I felt good. We went through the usual motions of warming up, Rainy Day, and then I tried to get Greg to lead BLM-5 but he opted out of leading due to an overworked liver from the bottle of wine the night before. He still managed it clean on TR though.
All the usual's were showing up, and by that I mean the rock stars Bret and Ben. I decided to throw down too and get on Psychosomatic. To my surprise I managed the repeat, I went for the extension but made a stupid foot placement and fell. I was still really psyched to have repeated this once long standing project of mine. This was a crucial step for me because now I want to start working Gerbil Killer, hopefully my first 5.13a. But we'll see how that goes on Tuesday. I was feeling so good that I stepped right and hopped on Techno, well Abo anyway, Ben was warming up on his .13d/14a project(?) Pornification and I thought he was just on Chronic when he crossed me above. We chatted for a bit and then I decided to just stop at the Abo chains instead of crossing ropes. Still buzzing I went for Hydro and made it to the second clip on the extension before noticing that the rest of the permanent draws were missing. Is this karma or what?! I've decided on Tuesday I'll throw a few perma-draws on the end because I want to start working this sweet and technical line into my circuit here. If I can start running laps on Techno, Hydro, and Psycho I hope that I can get in shape and hopefully the stuff I really want to send this summer will go down fast. We'll just have to wait and see...
We did manage a little bouldering and a lot of hiking at Rattlesnake lake. The Snakehead boulder was half submerged but we did manage a few laps on Poison Prow and the other shorter problems to the right. We then headed up the trail to try and find some more chossy giants, which we did. Unfortunately neither of us had brought out blowtorch, chainsaw, pressure washer, and chisel, so we settled for some conversation and a nice little hike. Thanks for the great weekend Greg! Already psyched for Tuesday!

Me at the lake.

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