Sunday, March 7, 2010

Pontification Unlimited

Well, this weekend has a been a blast so far. We all celebrated Dom's birthday to kick off the wonderful month of March. Friday was filled with bowling and debauchery(sorry bush).
Saturday was a vitamin D enriching good time, spent planting various shrubs and trees in the soon to be open low-impact Oakland Bay park. Thanks for the invite Kaitlyn, keep them coming!
Later that evening I found myself in and out of the fishbowl but more importantly listening to some great music and lyrics at a show by Kimya Dawson(check the spelling).
Today I woke up and made a dish that I have been wanting to make for some time now, lemon chicken pesto pasta. And I don't want to toot my own horn, too much, but DAMN!! I'll let the pictures entice you, anyone want to come over for dinner?

I made everything in this dish except the pasta(99 cent bag of farfalle from TJ's), and at the very beginning of prepping all the veggies I nearly sliced right through my precious little pointer finger. I spent the rest of the cooking sesh with my little tip tightly bandaged. Good news, I don't think I'll need stitches. Damn you super sharp, yet evil, chef knife!!

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