Tuesday, October 19, 2010

House Tours For Guests

The Daily Mail article I linked below mentioned something interesting:

"But making people take their shoes off is a new fad, surely? Our parents didn’t do it, but then our parents lived in one or maybe two houses all their lives and entertained guests in a couple of downstairs rooms. Nowadays guests seem to expect a tour of the whole house, especially if you have just moved in."

This is so true. I entertained guests on several occasions at my parents' home when I was living there and they often requested a guided tour of the place. It was a good thing I made sure they all had their shoes off.

These days guests are likely to see more of your home than just the dining room and lounge. I think this is nice. It is fun looking at different peoples' houses and there is something intimate about showing people round your personal space. Everyone being shoeless adds to the intimacy.

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