Monday, April 11, 2011

First Route in the Boot!

I couldn't decide if people would stop and stare and then shake their heads in disgust, or if people would stop and stare and take pity on the injured wiener dog that tried enthusiastically to pull himself up the hill; his useless hindlegs cradled in the fabricated two wheeled cart behind him.

I drove up over and through the Snoqualmie Valley leaving thick rain clouds and wet snow behind me in order to embrace the loving rays of the sun, that has decided to call the East it's home. With a lot of encouragement from Steph, and a last minute decision, we decided to meet our firends at Vanatage for this years first outdoor climbing trip. I was 3 weeks and 4 days post surgery and a tad ambivalent about hiking and climbing around outside. But, I decided to suck it up and give being outside a chance.
The last three weekends I had spent watching movies and trying not to think about all of the beautiful weather I was missing in destinations like this one. We arrived at the main campground around 4 in the afternoon and to my surprise it wasn't all that crowded. The sun felt so good on my skin as we hiked the short distance up to the Feathers. I was a little self concious of my plastic boot, but I looked over the first route and decided to give it a whirl. A really sweet 5.9 arete that follows some excellent flat jugs up to a small slab. I grabbed and hopped, grabbed and hopped, and finally found myself at the top. I was pretty gassed but very happy. A few calculated risks and I was able to clip the chains of my first outdoor route for the year 2011. Hooray for me!
I followed it up by leading a 5.8 and then swallowed my fears and did a short but steep 5.10a. So far this was turning into a great trip. I was ecstatic to have the feel of reel rock under my hands; something I was afraid wouldn't happen for at least another month and a half. We eventually saw the 5 figures of our friends make their way to the campsite and we headed down to greet them.

Another major part of a climbing trip that I thoroughly enjoy is the campfire banter!! I laughed so hard, it was great to be outside in my element surrounded by friendly faces. The next day was more of the same. I led a few routes at the ZigZag crag, and then finished the day by top roping a couple 5.10b's (that looked a little too technical for my one footed technique) and managed to flash one and get the other one with a hang or two. I also re-learned the magic that is toproping. As much as I love leading I had forgotten how much top roping can make you focus simply on the rock and the movement of a climb. We spent all day at the ZigZag crag ticking almost every route the crag had to offer. It was another great day but I was glad to be headed back home. My knee and my upper body are both in need of a rest day.

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