Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Paper or Plastic?

Well, one more year has finally creeped by. Slowly, indubitably, the months fell away and revealed yet one more candle on the old birthday cake (or pie, some people prefer pie for their birthday). Yes, the rumors are true, I have turned 29 this month. My twenties have been a very odd time in my life. I don’t think there has been a span of time in which my years spent on this planet have been filled with more change, hesitation, commitment, more change, no commitment, bending, breaking, moving, paying, learning, or loving. And with that, I found myself at a climbing competition in Tacoma on Saturday. Surrounded by people who were, for the most part younger than me, but I was not competing against them, so I wasn’t very nervous. I clambered in the side door to the Vertical Wolrd gym in Tacoma shoveling spoonfuls of delicious fresh fruit, vanilla almond granola, and organic yogurt into my mouth and staring wide eyed as some of Washington State’s strongest climbers made some of the most impressively gymnastic maneuvers up and around the steep and bulging walls. I was mid-shovel before Johnny Goicochea made one of the most heinous looking one arm catches from a wide bear-hugging embrace off a blunt arĂȘte to a jug on a roof, before locking off with that same arm to another incut in the roof; and it was after witnessing this that I knew this was going to be a great show.

Alex Fritz crossing through on a stout 900+ point problem

We caught up with Jimmy who was competing in Men’s Open, as well as Kevin from Oly’ who was in Men’s Advanced and Andrew, also from Oly’ who was holding it down in Men’s Intermediate (I know, where are all the Oly’ women?!! Whose representing for the females in our town!!!!??? Besides Laura who was not participating in the comp that day, just taking up space, like me…)

Brian on the start of a crimpy one!

Jimmy was climbing very strong and flashed a 900+ point problem as soon as we got there! Nice! I finally stopped filling my big mouth with food and did a little filming. I’ll post a vid soon, but I’m afraid I didn’t get some of the more entertaining and athletic problems the comp had to offer.

This was definitely a very fun and exhilarating experience. I haven’t really been to a comp, or at least been a spectator, for probably more than 16 years! I had a blast watching all of the effort, encouragement, and jocularity that seemed to fill the entire gym. To sum it up, SHIKADANG! (or ding depending on who you ask).

Ryan Olson sticking a dynamic move.

I was totally motivated to start training in the gym just by watching all of these little crushers around me. The atmosphere in there was really inspiring and ‘psych-filled’. I had a great time and wish I could have stayed to watch the entire 5 hour circuit. In the end Johnny G won a hefty $500 purse, followed by Jesse (I think this is correct) from Stone Gardens who walked with $350! No wonder everyone was crushing like their life(rent) depended on it!!

Jesse crimping his way to second place.

I’ll certainly start coming up to the Vertical World gym in Tacoma and am extremely happy to have discovered yet another great resource in which to train, socialize, and learn more about the art of crushing. Big props to the sponsors and organizers as usual and I hope this is a regular occurrence AND that next year I’m strong enough to compete in it!

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