Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Summer Comes to an End

Hmmm, seems so close...

Jimmy and I had such a great time in Squamish we decided to head back the following weekend. Despite the rain on the very first day at the very first stop, we packed up our shiz and decided to check out a new area called Paradise Valley which was miraculously dry, sunny, and amazing! Great problems on friendly holds and flat landings, what a gem of an area!! The rest of the trip was spent between the Grand Walls, theNorth Walls, and Paradise Valley (which was affectionately referred to as PV for the remainder of the trip).
Since I took my sweet time to finally make this post I'll just talk about some of the highlights of the trip.
Jimmy crushed as usual, but the stand out send for him was one of his hardest ascents yet: Worm World Cave Low. I watched him suss out beta and go from falling at the very first move to falling at the very last move before I was able to pick my camera up and immortalize the ascent on video (unfortunately I wasn't quick enough and he dispatched the first crux before I could press play, but I got the rest on film which I will post soon, I know I keep saying that but I promise I will!!)
He also put down impressive V.7 and V.8 flashes of the Fridge and the Rookie, as well as dispatching the Rookie Low, very nice trip for him!!
I had a great time falling off some classic boulder problems, but I also managed a V.8 which was very fun called Storm Troopers at PV, as well as sending Styx at the North Walls on my second go, due only to the impressively staggering amount of pads that the Hsu and Wolff families were carrying around. Styx is probably soft for V.7 but is such a fun problem on a sweet slightly overhung face. Definitely worth doing (if you have like 8 or 9 pads like we did). However my favorite problem of the whole trip had to have been The Tugger(V.4), one of my all time favorite problems anywhere!! Great movement, great rock, perfect landing, what more do you want??
So, until next year Squamish!!!

Rookie Low(V.10)

Worm World Cave Low(V.10)

I just thought this was a weird photo.

Trad Killers (V.4)

Heart Break Hotel (V.2)

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