Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Creating Your Own Reality

And so it began.
Or ended, rather. Not important; unless you count the way it happened. I'm not of course, but to light upon the tips of this rigor mortis-inducing tale could be another type of harrowing adventure. It's simply too much to ask of someone to paint themselves into a corner; but the corner could actually be a meadow, or a sea, or a desert, or the deep dark whole of space stretching out endlessly, cat-like. I dare say it happened rather fast. Or slow, as time can be re-counted in a myriad of ways over a stretch of imagination that is never-ending in the realms of our minds-eye. And in that sense there is no beginning, nor an end. There just is. And so it came to be. Convulsing, twirling, slowly dripping, yawning, jibbering, tumbling; flushed with vibrations of pulsating color exploding throughout the channels of the body. The difference between existence and existing. A framework with no frame. No way of 'knowing'; and to that it became no less evil or good for the sake of just being.

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