Monday, March 28, 2011

Suchers Be Gone!

Above is a picture of the heinous incision that was made to restore my misbehaving tendon. A major milestone in the healing process comes in two days when I get the suchers out. I'm so stoked. Even though my leg won't be recognizable as a 'leg' for a few weeks it will be nice to have these buttons taken off of my skin shirt. So far everything is going well. I've been pretty mobile, getting out on a two mile walk, going dancing, etc. etc. I've tried working out a few times, nothing major yet, just trying to take it easy and promote healing as much as possible. I definitely have days where I feell like this: But, don't let that scare you away. All I need is a little encouragement and a lot more time. The weather has turned amazing lately (amazing for me means it's warmer, not necessarily drier), and when the sun comes out it's like Spring/Summer. The air is different, it's not as bitter anymore, opting instead for a more fragrant garb. The kind newly budding plants wear. March comes to a close and I have a long month ahead of me, with (hopefully) some light at the end of the tunnel. By the end of April, if everything goes according to plan, I should be free of my boot and walking in normal shoes again (hell, maybe even a little light jogging?). In the meantime I have been bombarding myself with the cancerous rays of the television, LOTS of internet climbing porn, and bill juggling. The return to work last week was nothing less than unorgasmic and I have been really focused on what it is I want to pursue after my contract expires. Its hard to focus on those things whilst pining away for normalcy. Anyway, hope all is good with everyone. See you around.

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