Thursday, August 25, 2011

Blue Cakes- A German Tradition:Guest Slippers

Blue Cakes- A German Tradition:Guest Slippers

'It’s customary when you go over to someone’s house in Germany to remove your shoes at the door. Being the neat freak that I am, I LOVE this tradition, and in the mess of winter with all the snow and slush, I think it’s particularly wonderful. Simply put, outdoor and dirty shoes just don’t belong on clean floors.

That said, although removing one’s shoes does do it’s job in keeping the house cleaner, it also conjures up a new problem: cold feet- and that’s no fun!

Many German homes have combated this problem with charm, practicality and an entirely new tradition: guest slippers. Just inside that entrance to one of these homes, you will be greeted a basket, drawer or shelf filled with your choice of various slippers that are made available to guests who visit.'

I have suggested here before that guest slippers would not necessarily be the best approach here in the UK. I think most British people are fine with taking their shoes off, but would find borrowing slippers a bit weird.

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