Monday, August 22, 2011

Long Strange Trip: To Shoe or Not to Shoe

Long Strange Trip: To Shoe or Not to Shoe

'Plus an article in the Online Journal of Issues in Nursing May, 2007 which included a list of ways to decrease the risks of lead in the home.

Yes. Lead is apparently being tracked into our homes on the bottom of our shoes. That got my attention. I like to sit on the floor with my grandsons and play games.

As a result, I’m in the market for a sticker or unobtrusive sign to hang on my door. Shoes off. Please.

It is not my intent to debate the relative importance of such gestures compared to greater societal ills, and fears, such as terrorism, environmental hazards, disease and unemployment. I get that many people are struggling to put food on the table and keep their kids safe. By the same token, I feel that sacrificing civility, humility, and deference to others accelerates humanity’s decline. The crudeness and coarsening of our language is reflected in popular TV programs, music and movies. Self-restraint is dead. Self-centeredness is the order of the day.

But, kind sir . . . gentle woman, in my house . . . please remove your shoes. Okay?'

Patricia Little was kind enough to link to this blog.

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