Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Recent Blogposts

Healthy Living Plus: Should homes have a “shoes off” policy?

In recent studies at the University of Arizona when researchers tested people’s shoes, some interesting facts came to light:
- They found 9 different species of bacteria of the type that can cause infections in the somach, eys and lungs.
- They found that bacterial live longer on the soles of shoes that in other places. This is because as we walk we constantly pick up new debres that fees the growth of more bacteria
- They found that children under 2 are the most vulnerable to this bacteria because they play on the floor and put their hands and other objects in their mouths an average of 80 times an hour.
- They found that the majority of bacteria contained coliform that comes mostly from human and animal waste.

So without becoming too paranoid what can you do about this problem?

Encourage your own family to remove their shoes when they get home and put on slippers. It will soon become a comfortable habit. You can either leave them in special storage at the front door or carry them to your closet. It might be a good idea to then wash your hands which you should do when getting home anyway.

If you want to keep your home cleaner, then you will find a way to persuade others to remove their shoes before entering your home without hurting anyone’s feelings.

Glasgow Humane Society: Be certain Your Home Remains Healthy
Take your shoes off outside the house, if possible. If not, kick them off within the front entrance to your house. When you walk around, your footwear come into contact and grab things, even in places like hospitals and malls. The bottoms of your footwear are covered in mold germs, a range of chemicals, dust, dirt as well as bacteria. When you track these things into the house, it settles into the carpets and rugs and flooring. It then becomes kicked up when there is activity. This ensures that instead of staying in the floors, you kick it up into the air for you to breathe in. If you take off your shoes outside the house or within the entry way of your home, you reduce this risk by leaps and bounds.

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