Sunday, September 11, 2011


Garage Flea Market

Brooklyn Flea Market

Smith + Butler, Save Khaki display
Brooklyn Circus

Graham Fowler Shop, 10th Ave.
Leffot, Christopher Street
Save Kahki, Lafayette Street
Steven Alan, 8Ave

Nephentes, 38th Street
U.S. Open on a big Screen, 29th Street
Lexington Ave. Chrystler Building
New York Sneaker Trash

My last day in New York was filled with shopping, I started early in the morning at the Garage Flea Market on West 25th Street. Then I hit the road in a yellow cab to Brooklyn for my next stop the Brooklyn Flea Market, this open air market is packed with vintage clothing and other stuff, man I loved to bring those Eames chairs home. Paid a visit to Smith & Butler and The Brooklyn Circus. In the afternoon there was some time left to see Leffot, Graham Fowler and last but not least Nephentes on West 38th Street. After all those miles on my green monsters I ritually had to throw them away. Maybe next time I see someone else walking on my shoes.....

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