Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Summer Ad Sale!

Hello lovelies! The warmer weather and change of seasons has put us in a fantastic mood so in honor of that we are planned a little summer ad sale! Take a look at the chart below to see our discount ad packages for the months of June, July, & August:

These prices are for 3 months of ad space, but if you are looking for something a little smaller we will also still be selling ads individually. For more info on what each ad size includes, check out our sponsorship page here.

We have seen quite a bit of growth from last month! Here are our current stats (as of May 22, 2012):
- 1606 Bloglovin' followers
- 1890 Facebook followers 
- 1861 Twitter followers
- 1636 Google followers
-Over 72,000 page views last month!

Please contact us at if you have any further questions. We look forward to working with you throughout the summer! 

Erin & Stefanie

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