Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dear Creatures Fall 2012 Collection.

Yes, we know we have already posted about Dear Creatures several times, but they are one of our all-time favorite fashion labels! We love how much influence they take from past eras, especially the 1960's, to design their classic yet playful clothing line. We really appreciate all of the attention to detail, from the  beautiful color palettes to the pretty piping that frames the peter pan collars.

We know that it isn't even officially summer yet, but we are already longing for Dear Creatures' amazing fall collection. Get a load of these stunning pieces, which even come complete with a set of cat ears! A girl can't ask for much more than that!

This darling cap with little cat ears is probably one of the greatest things that we've ever seen! It is absolute perfection. This is definitely at the tops of our dream fashion wish lists!

That brown dress with the knee high socks is adorable! That is definitely a look that we will be trying.

Those collars! Those dresses! (Swoon.)

...wait, on second thought, could we just have one of everything please?! ;)

For more shopping and lovely clothes be sure to stop by

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