Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Creepy Bucket of Lotion

Yes, as the title suggests I do retreat every night to my small apartment and my creepy bucket of lotion.  However, it does keep me stocked in fresh skin which has been key in the last weeks sending spree. 


After a couple of weeks of getting settled in, meeting a virtual 'shit-load' of new friends (most of which are 'drifting' through, picking the low fruit, the classics, and sampling the terrifyingly high monoliths of climbing cataclysms), I have finally found a rhythm.  It feels good.  So many mental barriers have been broken.  Fuck that, they have been shattered!! 

Today was another good day of overcoming those previously erected mental barriers that stood in the way of success.  But, yesterday wasn't too shabby either. 


I've always felt like I climb like shit coming off a rest day and yesterday morning was no exception.  I hiked into the Happy's and did my usual warm up routine.  Then headed to Morning Dove White, which I have been working for the last couple of days (luckily with some good friends who have provided much psych and good new beta). 



The session went as usual, climb, climb, climb, fall (at the usual place).  I finally decided to try new beta, which is an unusual phenomenon for me since I'm pretty stubborn when it comes to beta.  But, this worked, surprisingly.  Subtlefoot adjustments can make or break a climb, and in this case, moving my foot (literally) 8 inches in and down kept my core strong and kept me from swinging off the rock.  Still, I needed a rest.  I wandered the boulder field and eventually ran into my friend Jesse, a visiting Canuck whose lengthy frame and philosophical insight to climbing had me overlaying Dave Grahams face onto his every time I watch  him climb.  Jesse had been working MDW as well, in fact we met under the iconic boulder, and he convinced me to come hang out and work it with him once more.  I had to shake off my failure and join him, which turned out to be a very good thing.

Mr. Happy





Clapper evening sesh.

This brings me to my point of breaking through mental barriers.  Its definitely easier to never develop them, but when you're climbing at your limit they are bound to materialize and uncomfortably supplant a positive mentality in lieu of a glass ceiling of failure.  All I can say, is that I've had three instances lately where the seemingly impossible has become quite possible.  Today was no different, and having a great crew in the Sads was key to success for me today.  It's so refreshing to be surrounded by climbers who share beta, stories, jokes, ribbing each other, and encouragement.  Paying attention to the details, taking breaks, and BREATHING (or meditating) is what I reccomend.  Of course, some things are just too out of reach...for the moment. 

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