Monday, January 21, 2013

Organization idea: Mason jar spices.

There is something about the start of a new year that gets me feeling so motivated. I have finally started tackling those pesky jobs that have been put on the back burner and saved for a rainy (or snowy) day. Well, the snow has been falling and the wind has been howling, so I figured what a perfect time to start organizing my kitchen cupboards! I also decided that each weekend I am going to organize one room in my house and this past weekend I started with my kitchen.

I don't know about your kitchen, but my pantry and cupboards seem to get pretty outta control very quickly. Before I know it I find myself starring at four Cheerios boxes that are all about 1/8 full and a bunch of random ziploc bags of assorted spices that have been purchased with one specific dish in mind and then once that dish is completed they get tossed to the back of the cupboard and totally forgotten about. Well I finally decided that enough is enough! 2013 is going to be the year of organization and more experimenting in the kitchen! So I started by giving my kitchen a complete overhaul. I found a cupboard full of empty mason jars that were taking up precious cupboard space so I decided to use them for spice, nut, seed, and pasta storage! By doing this I freed up so much more cupboard space and now all of my cooking ingredients are so much more accessible.

Another bonus? They look pretty darn cute. Definitely a step up from my stash of random ziploc bags. I hope this kick-starts your week and inspires you to venture into tackling some of your rainy day jobs!
XO, Stef

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