Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Playa Del Carmen.

Hola amigos! As I mentioned earlier, I went on a trip to Playa Del Carmen, Mexico with Emery's family to celebrate his parents' 30th anniversary! I just got back a few days ago and I'm already missing the tropical palms and balmy evenings. We seriously had the greatest time together! It can be so tricky trying to arrange a get-together for the eight of us with every body's different schedules and commitments so it was really amazing to be able to spend a full uninterrupted week together as a family.
We stayed at the most beautiful resort on the beach and spent our days playing in the waves, reading books by the pool, swimming, sunbathing, snorkeling, and of course eating. (We definitely did a lot of eating, haha. I mean, the food was just too good to only take one trip to the buffet!)
On our last evening we all went down to the beach for a private beach barbecue dinner to officially celebrate their 30t anniversary. We ate fresh lobster and shrimp, drank champagne and shared some of our favorite moments from the week while the waves crashed onto the shore behind us. It was so magical getting to spend that time together as a family in such a beautiful environment! This trip is something that I will always remember and cherish.

Here are a few photos that I snapped throughout the week:
If you know Emery, you know that he freaks out at the sight of pretty much any wild animal, so this photo captures his personality to a T. Haha!
Short-shorts and cropped tops. All day, everyday.
We did some shopping and checked out some restaurants in downtown Playa Del Carmen. I really enjoyed scoping out that town because there was so much to see and there were tons of amazing restaurants to chose from! We ended up eating at a really incredible place that was located on top of a collapsed cenote which is like an underground river. It felt like we were inside of a cave that was packed full of tropical plants and lots of candles and tiki torches! It's sort of hard to explain and my pictures don't do it justice, but take my word for it when I saw it was seriously soo beautiful.
I definitely already miss this now that I'm home and back to reality...
Oh, did I mention that our city was hit with a huge blizzard the day we arrived back home? And right now it is currently -35 degrees Celsius? Oh, Winnipeg... you sure know how to welcome a gal back with open arms. ;)
XO, Stef

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