Monday, April 29, 2013

Kitchen love.

Well, good news! We survived our crazy weekend and don't worry we will share the exciting details with you all very soon! Everything went so well and we're a little sad that it's over, but we are thrilled to have a little bit of a breather this week and catch up on things. 
Ok enough about us, let's get to the point here and today that is beautiful colorful kitchens! If there was only  one single room in our homes that we were allowed to have color we would chose our kitchens! Take a peek at some of our favorite kitchens on the web right now.
The yellow tiles in this kitchen make it look like the happiest place on Earth!

Kitchen Love. So perfect!

These cabinets are to die for! They are perfect and neutral, but imagine all of the colorful dishes you could load them with!

Love this vintage kitchen. The colors, those drawers and that light!

The Walker residence is pretty unbelievable, and this kitchen is proof!

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