Thursday, April 25, 2013

Our favorite place.

Yup, that's right guys, we went to Seaflower again! It's just so dreamy that we couldn't help but go back! We have been there numerous times in the past (you can read our previous blog posts here and here.) Seaflower is a beautiful resort filled with the prettiest beach huts located on the island Koh Phangan in the gulf of Thailand and it's safe to say that it's our favorite place in the world.

Just take a look at all of these lush, brightly colored, tropical plants! Can you blame us for coming back time after time? ;)
Isn't that scenery absolutely breath-taking? Photos don't even do it's beauty justice!

Everyday at 6:00pm after a day in the sun we would get showered off and changed into comfy sun dresses and head down to the beach bar where we would watch the sunset while drinking a pretty cocktail. Also, the name of the beach bar is Heaven which seriously couldn't be a more fitting name.

Our time in Bangkok is always so hectic so when we get away from the city we try to take some time to just relax and unwind, so we spent a quite a bit of time hanging out on the porch of our hut. We spent afternoons reading in our hammock, painting our nails, listening to music and snacking on chips and beer, ha. It doesn't get much better than that!

Oh yeah, we also spent a lot of time eating. Banana nutella pancakes with a side of extra crispy bacon for breakfast is probably the best thing ever. Mmm...

Psst... guess what? We got matching tattoos!!!

Koh Phangan and Seaflower hold a lot of meaning for us so we wanted to get something that represented our time there so we decided to get heaven/paradise tattooed in Thai writing (which coincidentally also happens to be the name of the dreamy beach bar at Seaflower!) We also went to the coolest tattoo place that looked like a little tree house to get them done - they did the tattoos naturally just using bamboo rather than a tattoo gun and needle! It was a fun and unique experience but I'm not gonna lie, it still hurt! Ha. 

It was the Thai New Year while we were in Koh Phangan so we celebrated Songkran which is basically a giant water fight in the streets. We got the cutest water guns possible (hello tweety bird!) and went out with a bunch of friends and had the greatest day walking through the town spraying everybody, haha! It might sound kind of crazy, but it is actually so much fun because literally everybody in Thailand participates so everyone is walking around absolutely drenched. Since the temperature is always so hot out there, it is actually quite refreshing. :)

Before we knew it, it was time to pack up and begin the loooong journey home. It's always so hard to leave but we take comfort in the fact that we will be back again someday. (Hopefully soon!)

Until next time Seaflower...

 XO, Stef & Erin

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