Friday, May 24, 2013

My rainy long weekend.

This past long weekend was just what the doctor ordered. I spent lots of time with family and friends, did some cooking and baking, and overall was pretty productive! I'm so excited because today I am driving to Chicago with 5 of my girlfriends for a bachelorette/birthday weekend. I've never left the airport in Chicago so I'm so curious to see what it's like! Do you guys have any suggestions or recommendations of places or things we should go/eat/do/drink/shop? 
On Sunday I had my family over for a belated Mother's Day afternoon and it was one of those perfect rainy days. We had lunch first and then my mom, sister and I headed out to go green house hopping! When I had a cat, I was never able to keep real plants alive, but now that she's gone (sad face) I've been going a little crazy with plant purchases!

We started with lunch of turkey burgers, 3 delicious kinds of salads, as well as plenty of cheese and good wine. I set up a table in our new living room and for once hosting a party just made sense in our home! It didn't feel too hot and hectic crammed in the kitchen where our dining room table is, and now I can hardly wait to start planning future dinner parties!

Here are some of the plants that I potted (in the rain).

Since it's been raining a lot this past week I've been spending good quality time in my kitchen. Last week I made this mango/raspberry crumble and it was so tasty!

I bought these adorable flamingo glasses at Ikea the other day! Aren't they perfect for Summer?
We've been adding lots of adorable new things to the shop over the past week, and we just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to all of you that made orders and are supporting us! We will continue to add lots of cute things in the next few weeks, so watch out! To check it out you can search "thelovelycloset" on Instagram.
Have a great weekend!

xo, Erin

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