Sunday, June 16, 2013

Love you, Dad.

Paul McCartney and daughter Heather. Photo taken by Linda.

There is just something so special about a relationship between father and daughter and we want to take a minute to pay a little tribute to our amazing dads. We are so blessed to have these incredible men be a part of our lives and we appreciate everything they do for us. Every shelf hung, flat tire changed, leaky faucet fixed is all done out of their unconditional love for us and that is something that we don't take for granted. These men have been there for us through every broken heart and every tear shed and we have become the women we are today because of their amazing influence. Our fathers' are both the smartest and hardest working men we know and to this day we still look up to them the same way we did when we were little girls.  

Not only do we have amazing father's but we both are blessed with the most incredible father-in-law's as well! Seriously, how lucky can we get? We just want to take this moment to say a big thank you to these men and the role they have all played in enriching our lives. We can't imagine life without you and we love you all to pieces. Happy Father's Day!

Your daughters,
Stef & Erin

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