Thursday, August 22, 2013

Put a pin in that.

Here's a little update of what's going on with us in the online world lately...
Good news! We have recently re-stocked our Insta-shop over at "Thelovelycloset" on Instagtram! We added our favorite brass pieces that we also carry in our shop here in Winnipeg. The necklaces all come with really nice long chains and fun brass pendants like these. It's easy to shop too! All you do is find us on Instagram and leave your paypal email in a comment and then we invoice you and once you've settled up we ship it out! 

 Aren't they adorable?

Also, like pretty much all of the population, we too are all over the Pinterest craze. Well, to be honest, we have been pinning cute things for several years now but our interest started to fade and we got sort of lazy with it until recently, when we decided to re-organize our page and give it a breath of fresh air! Now we are more psyched than ever to find new forms of inspiraton and we have been pinning up a storm!

With that being said, please follow along with us if you too are a sucker for atomic furnishings, gorgeous dinner parties, beautiful dream homes, girls with good bangs, and tiny fuzzy animals. Oh, and of course scallops. We always love our scallops. Just search:  ohsolovelies

Also, August is coming to a close and we're looking for new sponsors for the Fall! If you are interested, or have any questions, you can check out our sponsor page here, or shoot us an email. We are offering three month package at 20% off the current price (available in all sizes except for large) and come November we will be upping our rates as our readership has grown quite a bit in the past few months. We still have the Feature ad available for September as well!

Ok, that's all for now! Have a happy day!
Erin & Stef

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