Thursday, August 29, 2013

Sponsor the lovelies.

Hey lovelies! Fall is just around the corner and we think this is a fantastic time to sponsor because we have lots of fun things planned for the blog including introducing a new feature, sharing more about our mobile shop, and more travel updates as well. We changed our sponsor rates a bit for September and we just wanted to give you guys a heads up! The ad sizes have stayed the same but we have adjusted our rates slightly because our readership has grown quite a bit during the last few months. 

Here is a peek at our current stats as of August 27th, 2013:
-6,105 followers on Bloglovin'
-4,074 followers on Twitter
-4,866 likes via Facebook
-9,437 followers on Pinterest
-73,500+ combined followers via Instagram

*On average we receive between 3,000 - 7,000 page views per day with a high day of 21,000 views and we have also received more than 150,000 views in one month!*

Also, please note that this is the last month that we will be offering the 3 month package deals for because we will be changing our rates again come December 2013 for the new year. So if you are looking for longer term sponsorship at 20% off then you better act fast! 

For more information on our sponsorship program and to take a closer look at the bulk packages please be sure to check out our sponsorship page here or don't hesitate to drop us a line with any questions at

Thank you so much for your continued support and we look forward to working with you this fall!
XO, Stefanie & Erin

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