Monday, July 13, 2009

Just Breathe

The solace of silence. The tranquility of nature. The impervious energy of life. The calming effect of breathing. No judging, no intimidation, no insecurities. A look from a friend. The inspiration of pure effort. Screaming at the top of your lungs just to hold on to one more hold. The knowledge of how to do something right. Finally doing that something, right. Food, laughter, chalk dust. The warmth of the sun, the sting of the rain. Silence again.

Mmmmmmm, blueberries.

Yes I'm sure we're all tired of the flower pictures, well too bad. I ended up leaving my camera at home on Saturday which was a big mistake, so no climbing photos in this post.

The weekend was good. As such it was a blur. Friday came and went with all the comings and goings and hustlings and bustlings of a busy Costco. Work in the garden followed by an absolute top notch dinner with family. Salmon, rice, bread, butter, pineapple, blue berries, leechis, corn, and grilled veggies.
Saturday was THE day. Climbing with a surprise group of friends. I love surprises like this. I stepped out into the Little si parking lot hoping to see Greg's tall and slender frame sauntering towards me with a back pack on, only to hear someone say, "You looking for me?"
I twirled around to see Greg smiling at me from the passenger side of a tan Toyota Corrola. The driver was none other than Erica. Both good friends, and getting better. On the hike up Greg announced he had a surprise for me when we got there. It turned out to be more friends! Nick, Scott, Mika, and George were all waiting at World Wall. The day commenced with some great climbing in great company. Nick flashed my suggestion of linking two great lines into each other, Girls in the Gym with the crux of Hang it out to Dry. It worked perfectly. A beautiful line of overhanging jugs into a nice boulder problem. I got spanked trying to warm up on it. Then it was project time. Everyone gathered around to watch me and the pressure was undeniably high. I made it with ease to the last crux throw and wankered off the jug like a...well a...wanker. I tried to justify it to myself, I feel bad right now, the temps are bad right now, why didn't I just send it, RIGHT NOW?!! Nick had my back, and gave the route a repeat beating in my name. Okay, I can do this. Everything you say is an affirmation. Most of the time what we want and what we think we deserve are two very different things. The word can't has just left your vocabulary SOLDIER!!
Mike Massey gracefully walked up Girls in the Gym with me right behind him for a second crack at Judgment Day Direct, his gift to World Wall One and to anyone who finds themselves clinging to it. I clipped the first draw on the severely overhung face and came back down to rest. In the meantime Mike was tied off on the anchors of GITG and Nick, once again, had my back and was working his camera up to Mike in order for him to film me on my redpoint attempt of his route. All I wanted was for the camera, the people, and the hot air to go away and leave me alone. Leave me to wallow in my self pity. FUCK it! I'm sending this thing right now. That is an affirmation.
Mike gave me the thumbs up, and with the glow of the red dot of Nicks camera aimed on my balding head I crimped and yelled my way to the top. VENGA!
Psyched to finally have manned up and latched the jug the celebratory responses seemed to have lightened my load for the time being and I felt that rush of adrenaline and positive energy you get when the seemingly impossible has just turned possible. The video is waaaaaaay sick, and I owe Nick and Mike a huge thank you. I don't have the media right now, but I promise to post as soon as possible.
The day kept getting better. The heat was here to stay, but we shrugged it off and climbed our hearts out anyway. Greg lead a couple more 5.9's which is always a good sight to see. Erica followed suit, but also managed to get to the chains of Psychowussy, and a stout lead of BLM-5. Mika walked up his usual circuit of Psychowussy and Megatherion but will have to wait to get the redpoint on Bust Tha' Move, at least he's got it all figured out now. Nick, besides being the crag mother for the day (supportive and nurturing), linked through all those heinous cruxes on the first half of Californicator skipping the clip on the typewriter and falling just a couple moves higher than his previous highpoint off the jug rail into the gaston. He looked majorly solid on this first half and I know he will get this route before his time in Oly' comes to a close. I had a major buzz of energy that day and ended it with an almost threepeat of Psychosomatic, fudging the footwork on the last throw. We all ended on high points and looked forward to reuniting the next day.
Unfortunately the rain clouds set in on Sunday and our group meeting at Bob's Area was canceled. I was bummed, but happy to have the recovery time. Now I'm just working on work, and getting my EDL for Canada.

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