Friday, July 10, 2009

Time for a Show of Strength: "I'm Gwyneth Paltrow!"

Do you remember the bit at the end of the film Spartacus? The bit where a group of people being crucified all show their solidarity by declaring "I'm Spartacus!" It was parodied in the film 'The Life of Brian' with another group of crucified folks shouting "I'm Brian!"

Let's show the world that we stand together. Let's show them that we will not be dismissed as anally retentive, obsessive compulsive or germophobic.

If you want to show the world you are with us, who don't like shoes being worn in our homes, then declare with me:

"I'm Gwyneth Paltrow!"

Okay, maybe she might not cut the figure of Spartacus, but she's famous and she has a shoes-off rule.

Come on people, let's show the world how many of us there are. If you have a shoes-off policy in your home, type "I'm Gwyneth Paltrow!" in the comments box. Please also write where abouts in the world you are from.

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