Friday, July 3, 2009

Wow, this confirms a lot of things

Britain’s ‘Chaps’ Too (House) Proud To Party

18-24 year olds are Britain's most house-proud and cautious hosts, as financial concerns around home dramas turn people into paranoid party poopers, reveals Greenbee Home Insurance.

Step aside Hyacinth Bucket. Turning stereotypes on their head, research reveals that 18-24 year olds are turning into a nation of CHAPS…that’s Cautious Hosts Against Party Stress. Twenty-six per cent of the house-proud and overly cautious young hosts make guests remove their shoes to safeguard their floors, almost double that of those aged 65+ (14%) who may have been expected to be the most mishap-minded.

A study has found that young people in Britain aged 18-24 are the most likely hosts to ask guests to remove their shoes. Apparently this is most common in the Midlands (where I have lived most of my life).

Maybe I am a but surpised about the Midlands bit. In my experience, removing shoes is more common in the south.

But as for young people, I totally see that. The article mentions finance as being the main reason, but I think it is also the fact that many of us were required to remove shoes when we were children. We have sort of grown up with removing shoes.

The future is bright, the future is Offalist

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