Friday, September 18, 2009

East European Family in KFC

I ate at a KFC today. I saw an East European couple in the restaurant, probably Polish. They had a small child, perhaps six years old. I found it fascinating that while the couple spoke to each other in their own language, their daughter frequently used English, even at such a young age.

The girl's father wiped the table before he sat down to eat with his daughter and her mother. East Europeans seem to recognise the value of cleanliness. As it happened, he was wearing the uniform of an hospital cleaner. I am sure this family, like most East Europeans remove their shoes when entering their home.

This family appeared like almost a model immigrant family. So often East Europeans seem to be so decent; hard working, clean living and generally moral (I suppose I mean conservative) in their values. I think it is wonderful that families like this from Poland and other East European countries are settling down here and having children.

I will admit that I have a tendency to romanticize East Europeans. Their cultures have their faults. I am well aware, as an alcohol misuse worker that many East Europeans drink far too much and are often arrested for drink driving. Yet I believe their exodus is enriching this nation. And may they bless us with their custom of shoes-off in homes.

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