Monday, September 21, 2009

Last Weekend, and the Weekend Before Last

Maybe I'll start with last weekend. It is just a foggy recollection in my mind by now. I guess blowing the dust off of it won't do me any good so I'll try to peek under the the thick film that has developed over the smooth album cover labeled 'Last Weekend In Tieton' and read you broken descriptions of the hits from that weekend.

1) Don't go to rainbow rocks, something about the approach being a horrible trudge up death scree with rattlesnakes(although we never saw a one) waiting to bite your extremities. The rock formations are pretty cool though.

2) Free camping rules!

3) Paper wasps do not rule.

4) Go to these places: Lava Point, South Fork, The Cave, Beehive Wall.

The view from the Cave area at Tieton.

Greg on a sweet looking 5.7 at South Fork.

The World Wall Onesque wall at South Fork.

View from the approach to South Fork.

5) The bigger the fire the more beer you have to drink

6) Don't drink the water in the porta potties. Just DON'T!

7) Climbing in the hot hot sun is hard.

8) Onsighting stuff is hard.

9) Falling just beneath the chains of several routes on the onsight attempt is maddening.

10) I heart Tieton.

There, you see? That sums it up pretty well and noone got hurt.

This past weekend was wonderful fun. A post birthday celebration with my family is always a good thing, with more food than I can burn off over the next few months. At least I'll have a nice layer of fat to keep me warm this Winter. Pancakes, yard work, errands, dog walking, laughter, food, awesome gifts(yes! I finally have a head torch now!!), and the serenity of the garden.

Sunday I had a great time at the crag with Dom and Laura. Dom coming agonizingly close to sending Californication again. Get the psych up, BAWSE!(I hope that doesn't warrant a letter from Joe Kinder's lawyer, does he have that copyrighted yet??). Laura just keeps stepping up her game, 2 hangs before the chains of Rainy Day, a clean TR of Abo, and a good attempt at Bust Tha' Move. NICE! I gave some valiant efforts on a few lines. The good news for me is that I have been able to repeat Techno consistently which makes me feel strong, and I have revamped my psych for Californicator. All in all I'm looking forward to getting out tomorrow, despite the heat, just to get some good training in. Plus, I need to embrace these hot days while they are still here. Sunday was foreshadowing to the colder months ahead where if you're not on a route you better have a down and some hand warmers handy. Here are some photos of a crowded World Wall:

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