Friday, February 3, 2012

Happymomblogger's Blog: Germaphobes Unite- What your dirty floors won’t tell you!

Happymomblogger's Blog: Germaphobes Unite- What your dirty floors won’t tell you!

Imagine walking around outside all day, whether at the park, at your work, at school, at the bus station, or at the supermarket. Imagine you are walking at the park and you accidentally stepped on dog poo. And then you’re at the bus station and you stepped on someone’s leftover hot dog. And then you’re at the supermarket parking lot and you step on gum or what looks like gum, but could be anything sticky. Then imagine arriving at home and you walk inside your house, with your shoes on. Now you’ve brought into your lovely home all the stuff you just stepped on and has gathered ceremoniously onto the bottom of your shoes and is at that moment, being tracked all over your carpets, your wood floors, and your tiled floors. And then imagine your kids and your newborn crawling around on the same floors your shoes just smudged all over. Basically, they just got all that gunk that were on the bottom of your shoes onto their hands, clothes, or worse – in their mouths. Kids will be kids after all, and they don’t know about gross stuff underneath the bottom of shoes.

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