Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hey Handsome!!

Well hello there! Sorry to have kept you waiting, but, well, um, errr...I have no good excuse. True, it has been two months. True, I haven't really much to blog about it the way of things that concern climbing. But, I 'll have you know, I have been keeping my nose so far up climbing's ass that you'd think I'd died and become a drug sniffing doberman.

So, how is everyone out there anyway? From the look of things everyone seems to be doing well.
Nick, thanks for the constant blog posts and all the videos; even on the other side of the country you manage to keep me psyched!! Much love!
Jimmy, keep doing whatever you're doing, because whatever it is that you're doing is obviously working; not to mention have a blast in Joe's Valley this year. I predict an 8A+, or maybe even a 7C+ flash? Let's see it!!
Dom and Laura, hope all is well! I miss both of you more than you know :)
Well, that's pretty much it on the well-wishing side of things.
As for me, life really could not have taken a turn for the better. Moving here is and was the best decision I have made in a long time. I really enjoy my job, and work with people that inspire and motivate me; I live in a beautiful place; I get to go play in the mountains and climb whenever I want...I really enjoy living here. Wow, even reading that made me think of corn, but it's the truth!
I've been doing a ton of snowboarding lately because, a) it's in my backyard, and b) well,'s in my backyard! Fuck yeah! Imagine having a boulderfield or a sportcrag in your backyard, it's really kind of nice. The hike to the top is a bit rough, but by now I have it broken down like I would have a favorite route broken down into sections. The start, which is always a bitch. The first crux, the endurance crux, and then finally clipping the chains. Except on this route, clipping the chains involves some sweet pow pow.
I'm also involved in bringing sport climbing to Sitka!! There is a small crag here that I have cleaned, prepped, and top roped several lines on. Along with a few other very dedicated members of the small climbing community here, plus a meeting with the Parks and Rec administrator, we should start bolting the crag in the coming months. I'm am so stoked on this project!!!
In the meantime I will continue to do deadhangs in my living room and pray for powder every Sunday. I'm 5 weeks away from becoming EMT certified and so far the class is top notch. The instructor is one of the best I have ever had and I'm psyched to make my first patient contact in the field. Wish me luck!
Here are a few photos of the last couple months here in Sitka. Enjoy if you haven't already...


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