Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Alpine Adventure Run 2012

The Alpine Adventure Run took place this past weekend here in Sitka.  It's a seven mile race that takes an interesting path up a large hill and around a spectacular ridgeline.  The majority of the race is in an alpine setting and this year there was aneerie ethereal type myst that hung about the scattered snow fields we found ourselves running/sliding over. 
The beginning of the race.  I'm the man in black on the far left.

Crossing the finish line.  Psyched!  This was hard.  My time was pretty non-competitive (1hr49mins, for comparison the first place runner's time was 1hr08mins), but I had a personal goal of finishing in under 2hrs with a sub goal of trying to make 1hr45mins so I was definitely happy. 

Look at all those extremely fit people. 

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