Thursday, July 19, 2012

Our mobile shop featured in Svenska Dagbladet!

We were so tickled when a journalist from the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet contacted us a few months ago to do an interview about our mobile vintage shop! Of course we jumped at this amazing opportunity and have been eagerly awaiting the article's publication for the last few weeks, when all of a sudden last week our friend Jenny from Sweden sent us the sweetest message letting us know that she saw our Olive in her local paper!!! Eee! Needless to say, we were both beyond excited! 

It's such an amazing feeling to be published in the press, and it feels even more unbelievable when the article is written and printed in a different country! It is truly one of the greatest honors for us. When we embarked on this adventure over a year ago we had no idea that our little shop would be featured and talked about in newspapers and magazines worldwide. Someone pinch us! This is better than we could have ever imagined and we are still having a hard time wrapping our heads around it!

If you would like to take a closer peek at the article you can do so here. (Yes, it is all written in Sweden, but thanks to the handly Google translator you can read it in any language! Gotta love modern technology!)

Thanks for all of your continued support! We love you guys!
XO, Stefanie & Erin

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