Saturday, October 27, 2012

Guest post by Love Music Wine & Revolution: Bachelor in Paradise!

Hey, it's Love Music Wine & Revolution here! I'm obsessed with capturing the sets and wardrobes from stylish old movies. When I saw Bachelor in Paradise (1961) I fell in love with the sets. It stars Bob Hope with the beautiful Lana Turner and takes place in a fictional suburb called Paradise Village. Lana Turner lives in a fabulous pink mid century home with an incredible home bar that I thought Oh So Lovely readers would enjoy. Aren't the colors great? 
What an amazing mid century pink house, and of course a fun convertible in the driveway!

I spy a Pyrex dish at the back!

Such a fantastic bar!

Thanks so much for doing a guestpost Whitney! We're huge fans of your blog, and look forward to seeing more of your old movie posts!

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