Monday, October 22, 2012

Whirlwind trip!

(photo taken in Shibuya, Tokyo)

Hello lovelies! Just popping in to say a quick hello from Bangkok!! We can't believe that we are already a week into our trip! Oh boy, time sure flies when you are having fun! We just wanted to stop by to give you a little update of what we have been up to lately.

First off we stayed in Tokyo for three days and we got to experience a lot of incredible things (hello cat cafes! more on that later...) After that we hopped on a flight to Bangkok and we have been doing a lot of shopping for the shop (and of course a little for ourselves!) So far we are really excited with all of the amazing vintage pieces we have found for both our brick-and-mortar shop as well as our online shop. In fact, we have already shipped a couple hundred pieces home and we are only a third of the way done shopping! Eep!

Tomorrow we are hopping on a bus and driving east to Koh Chang where we will spend the next couple of days relaxing on the beach, and then we will head back to Bangkok for a final hardcore shop-a-thon! We will be home just in time for Halloween so for those of you close by make sure you come check out the shop in early November!

See you soon!
XO, Erin & Stef

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