Monday, October 29, 2012

Vietnamese rice rolls & the perfect peanut sauce!

I figured that since Stef and I are lucky enough to be on the other side of the world, eating like queens, I'd share some of our favourite Asian-inspired things to eat back at home! Thai peanut sauce, and with the help of this easy rice roll technique, Vietnamese rice rolls!
Here are my favorite rice roll ingredients. The crunch is a necessity in rice rolls, so I like to add carrots, red pepper, cucumber and bean sprouts, as well as fresh basil and mint to give it lots of flavour  You will also need leaf lettuce and rice vermicelli noodles, and of course rice paper to roll them up! For information on the easiest way to roll up the rice rolls, go and check out this tutorial-I used it and I had perfectly rolled rice rolls on my first try! I like to soak the rice paper in a pie plate with warm water.

Cook the noodles as you prep your vegetables!

Now for the peanut sauce:

First chop 1 TBSP of ginger as well as 1 TBSP of garlic.
Fry the ginger and garlic in a tiny bit of oil, then turn down to medium heat and add the following:
3/4 C crunchy peanut butter
1 1/2 TBSP soy sauce
1 1/2 TBSP rice vinegar
1 TBSP hoi sin sauce
1/2 TBSP sesame oil
1 lime, juiced
1/2 C water
1 TSP red chili flakes
Hot sauce (optional)
brown sugar (only add if you find it too salty depending on what kind of soy sauce you use-some are way saltier than others)

Mix everything together and heat until it comes to a boil, than remove from heat.
The rice rolls are best eaten while they are fresh! You can wrap them up in saran wrap and refrigerate for the next day though. Enjoy! Let us know what you think if you try making them!

These rice rolls are vegetarian, but taste great with chicken or shrimp too! Enjoy!
xo Erin

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