Thursday, April 4, 2013


Keith Harding
Barack Obama, Mr. President

Meet Mike Breach, barista extraordinaire, who "paints" everything -- and everyone -- into his lattes. "I'm an esspressionist," he proudly proclaims. Just last year, Breach was idling away his customer-less hours in the back of a hotel kitchen with only a dormant espresso machine for company. He was "so, so bored." So he taught himself how to inscribe ornate hearts in coffee foam, with a bamboo skewer as his paintbrush. "People got so excited about it!" says Breach, so he took it further. Out came the teddy bears ("the girls just love those"), a portrait of that hotel boss ("I didn't show it to him, but my coworkers and I laughed about it"), and Salvador Dalì, and Edward Scissorhands, and Beyoncé.

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