Friday, April 5, 2013

Things we love: Traveling.

Here are six reasons why we love getting out of town:

Let's face it, pretty much every place is warmer than Winnipeg, so when we go on holidays we can pretty much be guaranteed to experience warmer temps. Have we mentioned how much we both love the heat?

Don't get us wrong, we love our job, but sometimes it's nice to get away from it all and take a break and just relax. No computers, no email, just R&R time.

We always have so many books on our "must-read" lists but unfortunately rarely get around to them at home. However, when we are in holiday mode we can hardly keep our hands off our books! (That is something we wish to change though, we both want to make more time for reading at home.)

This is definitely one of our favorite parts about traveling; all of the different shops! When we are in Thailand we literally shop 'til we drop.

We absolutely love trying new and different things so eating may be one of our favorite things to do while traveling. (We also really enjoy sampling the local wine and beer, haha.)

Seeing as how we live in the prairies, we don't get to see the ocean very often, but when we do it is a real treat! We soak up every second of it's calming beauty.

footnote: click the bold text for the image source.

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