Monday, June 10, 2013

Getting settled.

Well, we have officially moved! This past week has been a blur of cleaning, unpacking cardboard boxes and trying to find the best new "home" for things. I am a very neat person, so I have been doing my best to unpack as much as possible because living in a state of constant chaos is not exactly my ideal environment. That being said, our new house is really starting to look and feel like a home! I am so excited to be feeling settled and am having a lot of fun decorating, making new displays, and hanging photos (aka my favorite part of this whole process!) I will definitely be sharing more house photos once everything is fully unpacked but for now here is a little peek from last weekend during our big move:

Even though we only moved about 3 minutes away from our old place, the decision to rent a Uhaul truck was a no-brainer after seeing how much stuff we actually had coming with us...

This is what our dining room looked like during the last few days before the move... Eep! Anxiety overload!! And this was the "streamlined" version beccause I had already donated many things! How in the world did we manage to accumulate soo much stuff?! Gahhh!

So we decided that this is not a job we could tackle alone so we called in the troops to help! THANK GOODNESS I have the best friends/family! Because of them we got the job done in an impressively short amount of time and had a surprisingly good time doing it! I'm also super thankful to have a friend like Erin because during those times when I was feeling particularly burnt out and barely able to form a straight thought, she would come over and bring me dinner and help me get focused and organized. She really is the organizing master and the reason Emery and I stayed fed all week long, haha! I can't thank ya enough girl! ;)

This is a rare sight: my little brother transferring piles of my dresses from his car to my new closet. Aww what a champ! The promise of free beer may have been the prime motivator but whatever works. Haha!

Whew! Slowly but surely it is all coming together! Time for a nap.

XO, Stef

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