Sunday, June 2, 2013

Packing party!

This past couple of weeks has been super challenging and extremely exhausting for me but I feel so lucky that I have so many incredible people in my life that have been there to lend me a helping hand. It's times like these that really make you appreciate and be thankful for what an amazing support system you have. I just wanna say a huge thank you to all my amazing friends and family who have spent countless hours and sacrificed many evenings and weekends to help us pack up our old place and renovate our new one. I can honestly say that there is no way that we could have done it without your help. You guys are the best of the best. We owe you all countless dinners and numerous bottles of wine.

Here are a few photos that we snapped last weekend because it was our last Saturday night at our old house. I have lived in this place for over six years now so I thought it wouldn't be right if we didn't have a last get together with some of our favorite people for a final cocktail and backyard bonfire (and I would be lying if I said this night wasn't a little bit emotional for me.)

Out with the old and in with the new!  Farewell old house! I will be sharing more photos of the move and some peeks at our new place in the next few days, but first I have a ridiculous amount of unpacking to do! Speaking of which... I better get to that now...

Thanks again friends! Love you!
XO, Stef

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