Saturday, August 3, 2013

Peru - Cuzco & the Sacred Valley (Chapter)

A visit to Cuzco mixes ancient Andean culture fused with the finest colonial and religious splendors of Spanish conquest. Beyond Cuzco lies the Sacred Valley, dotted with villages, high altitude hamlets and ruins linked by trail and solitary railway tracks to Machu Picchu.

Coverage includes: Cuzco, Around Cuzco, Sacsaywamán, The Sacred Valley, Pisac, Pisac To Urubamba, Urubamba, Salinas, Chinchero, Moray & Maras, Ollantaytambo, Aguas Calientes, Machu Picchu, The Inca Trail, Cuzco To Puno, Tipón, Piquillacta & Rumicolca, Andahuaylillas, Raqchi, Raqchi To Abra La Raya, Cuzco To The Jungle, Cuzco To Ivochote, Cuzco To Manu, Cuzco to Puerto Maldonado, Cuzco to the Central Highlands, Cuzco to Abancay, Choquequirau, Abancay and Andahuaylas.

Lonely Planet PDF eBooks are PDF versions. They are available from the Lonely Planet Shop as either individual chapters or complete guides. PDF files can be printed and are viewable on eReaders, tablets, smart-phones and PCs.

Peru - Cuzco & the Sacred Valley (Chapter)  

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