Friday, August 28, 2009

The Fam

Mom, Bro, and Me(yeah, I'm the only gangsta' in the family. Who knew?!)

What is up all y'all in cyberspace. Or more importantly reading this post. I haven't dropped a line in a while so I thought I'd write a few words to keep everyone entertained. Haven't been up to much. Climbing has petered out as of late but not in the psych department. Never in the psych department. I think I could be dead and I would still be psyched on climbing. I haven't really done much in the way of actual sends per say, but I have gotten on a lot of really inspiring lines lately that I'm more than psyched to climb. I've been training a lot in the gym, which has lead to a small injury(boohoo). But nonetheless we press on. What's left of summer lingers in the doorway like an unwanted guest with two beers left in the six pack. We want to move on but so desperately have things left to finish. Things we should have finished over the summer. But maybe that's only true for some of us. September means beautiful Northwest weather and my birthday so it can't be all bad. I look forward to week long trips to Leavenworth, tied into week long trips to Mazama. And maybe a little Vantage or Tieton thrown in for continuity. I guess what I dread the most is heading back to school and ultimately getting on with my 'adult life'. And I'm not hinting at some pseudo-porn career I have on the side. Yes, back to class. I have one more week at my so called 'job', before I take a nice two week break from reality only to find myself faced with the decision to abandon my cat and hit the road on the 'ULTIMATE climbing adventure' before school starts up again, or face mediocrity at the local climbing crag. Either way I'm sure to get embarrassed by my lack of skill on a rope. But what the hell, I'm not fishing for compliments here. In the end, all I hope for is an adventure on the sharp end, and a paid internship when I get back!
The future is promising, and on that note I end this post.
Maybe next time I'll have some bicep-rippling stories to share. Who knows?

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