Friday, October 21, 2011

Great Comment

A great comment on this post.

"If you come over to my house, you don't get to have sex on my bed. You also don't get to pick your nose in front of me, help yourself to the contents of my closet or jewelry box, eat food I haven't set out for you (unless you're a stay-over houseguest), and any number of behaviors you might feel entitled to indulge in at your home.

Most of this is a combination of common sense and manners, both of which are culturally construed. If you're still so wet behind the ears you don't know there's a divide on some fronts, such as wearing shoes inside, then you'll probably soon learn that once you start hosting or attending parties.Because it's not a given, my friends all know in advance they will be removing their shoes in the entryway. (Well, except for outdoor/porch parties.) And of course I provide slippers. Anyone who values their sartorial shoe experience more than the company and conviviality at my parties is quite welcome to stay home. Not a problem! And probably not missed; I can always meet them in public or other venues.We have this *culture* in my home for many reasons, spiritual, philosophical, hygienic, and practical as well as laziness (I have enough to clean up after a party, thank you very much) and monetary (track mud on my $5,000 wool rug--I don't think so)...

It's footwear, people, not underwear. Make whatever peace you need to and move on to something more deserving of your attention."

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