Monday, October 31, 2011

Ordinary Days: 31 Days of a Happy Home: Sticking To Your Guns

Ordinary Days: 31 Days of a Happy Home: Sticking To Your Guns

'But when it comes to my home, there are some things that I just have to be firm about.

For instance, we are a Shoes Off At The Door household. I'm not asking to make anyone uncomfortable. It's a cleanliness thing for us. We have tons of little kids and we all pretty much live on our floor. I don't want pesticides, public bathroom gunk, dog poo and everything else that gets trampled through every day tracked into our house.

I've hung this sign at each entrance that kindly asks people to remove their shoes. And, even though it's not the most comfortable thing in the world for me to do, I ask them to please take off their shoes if they ignore the sign. Ugh, I hate that feeling. I wish they'd just take their shoes off so I wouldn't have to ask.'

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