Friday, October 7, 2011

Week 4, Time for a Grand Hike! Bear Mt.


The first stop after the initial slog was at a great little sub-alpine pond. The water was crystal clear, and we took some time to recover from our harrowing journey through the trees. Bear Mt. is a 4,500 foot tall peak that sports some of the most amazing panoramic views I have ever seen on a day hike. There is also some killer backcountry snowboarding to be had in the Winter.

The peak in the foreground just off center is Mt. Verstovia, and the volcanoe in the back ground is Mt. Edgecumb.

Matt and Jeremiah

Crossing the snow field.

Neva, the greatest dog in the entire world. This is one of those dogs that you want to pet and cuddle every time you see her, but she has other plans. She could care less to be coddled all day, in fact, all she wants to do is run up and down mountains and chase squirrels.

Matt climbing one of the many rocky 'teats' of Bear Mt.

We asked Matt questions all day, and in many of my photos with Matt in them he is pointing at some obscure peak in the distance and rattling off beta for it. Matt is a superbly educated person when it comes to the outdoors (not to mention he is also a Physics teacher at the local high school); an accomplished mountaineer and wilderness EMT he is simply one of those people you just feel safe around. He reminded me a lot of James Pearson.

Ahhh, the summit approaches! Can't wait to sit on that thing...that's right, I know we're all thinking the same thing.

We made it to the summit and had our photo taken by the legendary Alaskan outdoor superhero, Steve Rifenstuhl!! What an impressive man he is; bulge and all!

Photo taken by: Dana Benton

The end...or is it?!!

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