Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Makes me tear up just lookin' at the little guy...

The oscillations in temperature lately have left last weeks feast reduced to mere table scraps. Not to mention, the recent heat wave has awoken the bears. Whilst adrift in my own world set in the back country I became numb to such threats of wilderness. Needless to say the giant bear track I saw on the Stove trail yesterday was more than enough to strike fear into my heart of hearts. In fact my entire sympathetic nervous system was getting ass-fucked by the dramatically over sized shot of adrenaline it received by the realization that I might become a giant dog's dinner. This realization was followed by the flailing of arms and frantic, almost reckless retreat I made down the mountain.
This would come to be known as the 'second' time I have had to retreat in fear from the top of the Stove. The first time involved bears in a very roundabout and self-fulfilling prophecy kind of way.

Sticky albeit steep snow on the north ridge of Picnic Rock

Other than that, things have returned back to normal. Spring break is officially over, school is back in session, and the snow is shit!! Hopefully we can get some more inches before the real heat gets here.

The north ridge is sweet. Steep, featured and very wide open right now. The sun set alone was worth the fear that came later.

Evening time right outside our little home front.

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