Thursday, March 22, 2012


This past weekend I celebrated my 25th birthday! It was seriously one of the greatest birthday's I've ever had, and I think that the weather played a big role in that! March in Winnipeg typically means that there is still quite a bit of snow on the ground and temperatures rarely reach above zero degrees Celsius. Seeing as how I'm not a huge fan of snow, I've always dreamed about how fun it would be to have a sunny warm summer birthday. However, this year I actually got my wish! My birthday was the warmest day in recorded history and I was able to wear a sundress with bare legs for the first time this season! Yay! 

Did I also mention the fact that my birthday fell on a Saturday and that I had the weekend off work? So because of that we decided to take advantage of my time off and the beautiful weather and celebrate all weekend long! Here are a few photos that I snapped... 

Bare legs on our back yard patio & the prettiest coral dress that Erin gave me! Isn't she the best?! 

On Friday night I wore my favorite turquoise peter pan collar dress and had a wine & cheese party with my friends! It was a pretty relaxed evening full of chatting, music, champagne drinking and fruit & cheese eating. Nights like this are my favorite!

On Saturday night I decided to do a retro-style fondue party, so I busted out my favorite 1960's fondue pots, added 2 extra leaves to my teak table, and set out 8 place settings! We decided to make 2 different fondues on the menu for the evening: first was a chicken broth fondue rather than an oil fondue (a healthier option) which was served with steak, chicken, and shrimp. The second fondue was a gruyere cheese fondue which was served with green apples, pears, broccoli, red pepper, mushrooms, baby potatoes, and even fresh bread (baked by lovely friend Sonya!) The cheese fondue was absolutely heavenly and if you are interested in making it you can find the recipe I used here. I highly recommend it!

The fondue in action & my favorite green floral pot!
Loving my birthday gifts: new coral dress & records from Emery!

After dinner we played some of my favorite games like Catchphrase and my new favorite -  The Game of Things, which I got from my in-laws! These games are seriously the best, we all have so much fun and laugh so hard every time we play them! After that we went to a watch The Ripperz play a St Patrick's day show at a local bar.It was a fantastic to end to an amazing weekend! To all my friend's and family: you guys seriously rule. I am so lucky to have you all in my life! I don't know what I would do without you all!

Lots and lots of love,
XO, Stef

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