Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring Has Sprung

The magnificent bowl of the Stove! I'm a tiny dot near the center of the picture.

Its true, we have actually had five consecutive days of blue bird weather here. Its jaw dropping, really. Tomorrow is the last official day of EMT class where we will be engaged in practicals all morning and then taking the state written exam in the afternoon. I'm so psyched!!!!!

The week has been sprinting past me while at the same time thumbing its nose at my futile attempts to grab hold of it's shirt tails and be dragged along for the last few days that remain of my spring break.

Since the weather has been popping off sunny like gangbusters I have made it my quest to try and get out snowboarding as much as humanly possible. Turns out that 'as much as humanly possible' for me equals about three times in the span of four days. My knees are screaming at me like some queen of the harpes monster and I find myself taking 'old persons' naps that last as long as normal sleeping routines. Its cool though, I need the exercise, and the down time in between mountainous romps.
I did have a particularly nice day up on the Stove on Wednesday. I had the good fortune to hit the bowl and do some lines I hadn't had a chance to do yet. The chute was particularly nice and even though the snow was a bit crusty up top, the sunshine and the exposure more than made up for it.

The avalanche danger has been ridiculous for a few days. We had almost a foot and half of snow in the city, which means almost 3 feet in the mountains. All of this followed immediately by sunny days, slightly warmer temps, and lots of wind loading (I even noticed some hoar crystals one day).

This is a new drop I hadn't tried before. The runway to the drop sucked but the landing was pretty deep and fluffy.

My fave.

Today is my second rest day, and it looks like we will be heading out climbing today! Psyched!! There is still a lot of work that needs to be done on the Whale Wall and we almost have all of the permits and paperwork in place to start bolting. I just applied to a deckhand position for the summer so I'm feeling good about my options for work and play. I have one more day left in my break to get up and shred so now all I need is some fresh powder in the mountains and its a go.
I hope everyone else is having a good spring break, or soon will be. Look forward to hearing all about your adventures!

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