Monday, May 7, 2012

Our trip-part 3: Bali

For the last (sad face) part of our three week getaway, we spent a week on the island of Bali!
We spent two nights in Kuta, a surfing town with the most beautiful sunsets. From there we drove up to Ubud, and artistic sleepy town in the middle of rolling hills and beautiful rice paddies. 

Everyday the locals put out offerings called "canang sari" to their Gods, placed on temple stands and shrines, as well as on the ground and in doorways. They usually include a few grains of rice, a cracker or two, a stick of incense and some flower petals all placed neatly in a little woven tray. It's pretty much a guarantee that you will step on at least one of the beautiful offerings while you are there. 
It smells incredible everywhere you go in Bali, and a big part of it is the incense that they burn and lucky for us, we bought a bunch at a market to take a little piece of Bali home with us!

We arrived in Kuta in the morning and had booked 2 rooms at Satriya Cottages where Derek and I had stayed once before. It is a beautiful little resort and the grounds are just stunning!

Smack dab in the middle of all of the palm trees and greenery was this amazing pool that we had all to ourselves because of low season!

This was the view from our pool chairs!

The gorgeous water feature that even had a mini waterfall! Paradise!

Our daily routine would usually be wake up, meet by the pool, lay there for as long as we could take the heat, and then walk down one of the Poppies and go for lunch! Our hotel was right in between Poppies Lane 1 and Poppies Lane 2 (even the names of the streets are cute!) the two streets where backpackers flock to. They are two narrow streets that are packed with bars, bungalows and lots of shops and restaurants! 

After lunch it was back to the pool!

Do you blame us? The perfect swim-up bar!

One of our favorite meals was Satay Ayam- chicken satay with rice and peanut sauce! 
Our pool bar had the best, hands down!

After we were done by the pool for the day, we would normally go back to our rooms, freshen up and then head down to Kuta beach to watch the sunset and then go for dinner and drinks!

We loved getting dressed up after sweating by the pool all day!
This is a little peak at Poppies 2, walking towards the beach!

Voila! The beach that stretched out for what felt like forever!

The evenings would cool off (a little bit) and we would relax and go for a drink.

Time to drive to Ubud! 
Before we left, we managed to sneak in some shopping (big shocker...).

We arrived in Ubud in the afternoon and it was such a glorious day out!

The perfect day to go to the Monkey Foreset Sanctuary-a place that photos could NEVER do justice!
You can buy bananas at the door to feed to the monkeys which roam free around the grounds. They can be pretty vicious when trying to steal the bananas away from you, so you have to be pretty stealth when taking one out of your bag to feed to them!

I spy with my little eye, Emery & Stef!

Did we say it's insanely gorgeous here?

The most beautiful banyan trees!

We spent the afternoon walking through the beautiful grounds.

Then, naturally we headed back to the pool for a quick dip. 
You know you're in paradise when huge, perfect flowers fall on you!
 Did we say it was a million above? Not that we're complaining!! 

One afternoon Stef and I went and got the most amazing pedicures of life (an hour and a half with a foot massage!) while Emery got a Balinese massage while Derek stayed back at the resort.

Before we knew it, it was time to leave Ubud and our amazing guesthouse-Jati 3.
Our last night was spent back in Kuta so that we could catch our early flight out to...

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia!

Our flight from Bali back to Bangkok flew through Kuala Lumpur and we booked our flights so that we could spend the majority of the day walking around the wonderful city! Derek and I have been there multiple times so we were confident making our way around KL. From the airport, we made our way to the city on the bus, and then walked to the monorail to get to the Petronas Towers! Then we wandered through the stunning downtown and did a bit of shopping and stopped for a drink.We even had enough time for Emery to get new glasses made! We love KL and can't wait to go back and spend more than 6 hours there!

Stef & Emery in front of the Petronas Towers, which we unfortunately didn't have enough time to go up!

Derek and I, downtown KL

That's it folks! We'll be sharing one more post of Instax pictures from the trip later on. If you guys have questions or want advice about travelling in Asia, please don't hesitate to ask! 

Erin & Stef

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