Sunday, July 1, 2012

My Grandfather's magical photos.

I was helping my grandpa with some photos on his computer the other day and I stumbled across a few gems that I knew I had to share with you!
This has got to be on of my favorite photos that I came across in my grandpa's files. This was my Auntie Weezy's (she was my grandpa's sister Louise, but we called her Auntie Weezy) diner-The Rosenort Grill & Grocery, that opened on Dec 10, 1960. My grandpa is the one smack dab in the middle of the photo. This was the day that Premier Roblin came for a visit. Don't you just love everything about this picture? The hats! The dapper-looking men! The fridge! Stay tuned for a post all about this cute little Diner in a few weeks!

I thought this was such a sweet one too...I just love all of the outfits! It just makes you wonder where they were all headed after this photo was taken, doesn't it?
 Winter in Rosenort. I wish my grandpa would have kept all of his old cars!

My aunts and uncle, and my mom is on the right! What a cutie!

This looks like a hectic bus ride, but I wish I could have been a fly on the wall!

My Uncle James. In a boat. On a trip to Africa.

My grandpa with my mom (in the little red turtleneck) and my aunts and uncles. They got to travel a lot because of my grandpa's job-lucky kids!

xo, Erin

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