Thursday, November 1, 2012

Back in black.

(photo taken in a street market in Bangkok, Thailand)

Hello lovelies! We're back!! Man, it sort of feels like we have been gone forever! We packed so much traveling, shopping, sight-seeing, walking, exploring, eating and drinking into the past two weeks that it actually felt more like we've been away for a month. *Whew!* As much as we do love the tropical heat, it does feel good to be back home (and with our husbands again!)

Here is some more good news: while we were gone we bought lots of amazing vintage dresses which we will be putting out at our brick-and-mortar shop starting tomorrow, so if you live in the area be sure to stop by and check out our new stock! (psst... we also have plans of doing a big update on our online shop in the very near future... more to come on that soon...)

Hope you all had a lovely Halloween yesterday! We got back late in the afternoon so we didn't really have time to put together any fun costumes this year (that, and the fact that we had been awake for almost 30 hours straight, eep!) but we saw so many adorable costumes from friends on instagram and other blogs. Hopefully we will be around to celebrate next year!

We have so many photos and fun experiences that we can't wait to share with you guys so be sure to keep your eyes peeled in the next few days, but first things first we need to unpack and tackle our (many) loads of laundry...

XO, Stef & Erin

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